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Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'll trade ya

As we age, waking up in the morning is always an adventure in to "what hurts today". Prior to workouts, it was the stiff joints and the hurt all over after a day of physical activities. Seems like now that some group of muscles are sore every day, particularly after a good workout. Guess I will take the sore from exercise over the stiff joints. At least I now know that there is a reason for it. Wednesday's class really worked a group of new muscles and I am very sore mainly in the legs. Several of the group missed class including Frank. I forgot that he was going to visit over in Louisiana. He told me that he is always sore somewhere and always has been.
Temps remain cool, low 40's, and we got only a trace of rain. This may slow some of the few plants I have potted up for the sale coming up in about 10 days.

I am really wanting to try the Body Pump class just to see if I am ready for it. It is an hour long and several of the Express members do it. It is right after class so this makes for an hour and a half workout. Kolby told me not to do it and I will follow his advise. So I am thinking of subbing it for Express one day, seeing if it is what I want or not. I know that I can now hang with most class members other than Frank. Lots of options and since some of the Buddies do it I will still get the enjoyable chat time.
Friday morning I will see Kolby and have the last Smoking class. I saw Zerk and he is doing well with the surgery recovery. He will need to start the next class starting at the end of April. I am not sure but think he may have slipped up and smoked. I am glad I am a Non-Smoker.

1 comment:

  1. We're glad you're a Non-Smoker, too!
    The kids kept wondering what the ashtrays on the plane to Fiji were for. They were not for using jut relics from the old days....
    Life is changing and now you're part of the new era of non-smoking.
