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Thursday, March 17, 2011

As sure as death, taxes and .......

Spring does have it's predictable chores. I did get the tax information completed and turned into the tax man. Really did very little consulting last year.
The weeds are popping up every where. I have not been motivated to do any or very little gardening this year. Not sure if the death of most in the greenhouse or what has me in this place. Usually I am waiting by the door for day light so that I can get out there and get going. List upon list of new areas to plant with new plants to try. I still have little to sell at the plant sale coming up too soon- April 9. Not sure why I am not in the gardening mood yet. Maybe because there is so much to be done. Neglected my place last year for the Demo Garden. Maybe it is the 2 years behind situation.
I did make the workout session yesterday. Did my routine and the class. Kolby has moved on to his new position so we had another trainer. Very good but not Kolby. Several of the exercises were hard for me. Push ups and planks were not the problem but the crunches and ab work is the killer. I will work on this area and get better soon. I just did not feel great but tired and tummy not so good. Rested most of the afternoon.
Yesterday after the workout I was beat. I really wanted to do some gardening shores but could not get going. Today I may do the gardening first then go do the cardio. I am sure the garden chores will provide some good exercise but I do not want to make a habit of skipping workouts and rationalizing.
Happy St. Patty's Day.


  1. Happy St. Patty's Day -

    Are you getting in a rut? Do we need to talk about a goal. A date to circle on the calendar - something to work towards?

    I'm thinking about a 5k or something --- could be exciting!

  2. Thanks, JameO, enjoyed our talk today. I think you are right and I need a goal. Maybe a walk for a cause type deal for short term.

    Anyway, got a few garden chores done prior to going to work out. Enjoyed the gardening and always neat to see the big difference in things.
    Interesting, the smell of cut grass was strong, another benefit of not smoking. No patch for over a week now. Got the mile of cardio on the treadmill. Also slipped by and had lunch with Fran.
    Life is good again.

  3. Sounds good, Dad. It's ok to have a day or two down, just need to make sure it's not a trend.
