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Saturday, March 12, 2011


No patch, no nicotine, smoke free, ex-smoker finally Non-Smoker.
No patch was no problem as I did not even notice any difference at all. May have slept a little better and there was not the bother of putting on the patch or the rash from past patches. To celebrate, Fran and I will head to Tyler this morning. Brookshire Fresh, a new grocery store has opened. It should be like the ones in Austin we like to shop. I am almost out of fruit, so I know that will be my first stop.
I eat a lot of fruit now. Every day I eat an apple, orange, banana, strawberries, blueberries and/or blackberries. Usually it is a combination of several of these. One of these with my Trail Mix makes a good mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. Berries on the frozen Yogurt continues to be my night time favorite.

Friday at the fitness center calls for my cardio, strength and Express class. Arrived early so most of my workout part was finished prior to class. Class worked on Abs almost the entire time. This is a weakness for me and made class hard. I was not able to complete several of the stations. I know where I need the most work and will focus in this area for a while. I do not like being unable to do the Express exercises.

Several gardening chores were on my "to do" list but did not get done. I was really tired out after the workout. I piddled around a bit but did not get any job scratched off the list. Lunch, ball games and then nap won the battle.
I did get by my friends greenhouse. Travis is going to drop by and needed a few hanging baskets for a project. Got those and enjoyed seeing the flowers. Maybe this will get me going with the gardening.
We will see. Did I tell you, I am a Non-Smoker !


  1. Nothing wrong with a little mattress ballgame.

    I am so proud of you!

    Love you lots - jame-o

  2. Thanks Jame-O, Francie and Belle for the positives.
    Got a few Oak Leaf Hydrageas potted up for the sale. Glad to get that going.
    The Fresh Grocery Store was nice but too fancy for me. Lots of take home and heat meals. I do not usually like things that I can not pronounce.
    Great place for the special hard to find things, Fran liked it more that I did.
    They did have Cheerios.
