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Friday, January 7, 2011

The games people play..

Cooper Clayton Smoking Cessation Program
January 13 6:00 p.m.

You are a smoker or Non-smoker. There is no in between, cut back or other games to play with yourself. You are or you are not. I know this better than most with my many years of experience.
However, to prepare for next week, I still find myself playing games. No more smoking in my truck. Only one smoke in my office and the ashtray must be taken down stairs and cleaned immediately. No ashtray or smokes by my chair, I must go somewhere else if I really have to have one. All of these are well and good but only a game. Cutting back to just one a day is still not a successful satratigy. You are or you are not a smoker.
As a Boomer, we all got duped. Many teens smoked and not much was said about it back then. Some how Edy, T-9-E, Mitch and I thought it was cool. As members of the roller skating club, a pack rolled up in the sleeve and hanging out front, smoking made us cool. Not so sure that many years later, I see myself as cool or the need to even be cool. I just know that smoking has given me many uncool things.
For several months now I have hated being a smoker. I hate the cost, the smell, the isolation and the wedge it puts between me and others I care about. I would do anything to quit.... REALLY. Yeah right, then do anything to quit, put up or shut up.
And so the story goes, will I really do anything ?

1 comment:

  1. It is SO HARD. But when you make up your mind it just clicks.

    You will still think about them but you will manage it. So true with many things - good and bad.
