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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The five day plan

I know that with cold weather and other activities, that keeping the 5 days a week workout plan may be hard some weeks. My plan has me doing the cardio portion 5 days and the strength 3 days. This schedule dictates the strength training on M-W-F so that I get the recovery rest days on T-Thursday. Cardio is all 5 days.
Maybe the Saturday and Sunday lay off makes the Monday workouts harder for me. My legs seem to tire out quicker than other days. My plan calls for 30 minutes of cardio and 2 sessions of 15 reps on 5 machines. I do half the cardio then one session of the machines, then cardio and another session. This seems to work for me.
Monday- As planned I started early and finished up the workout in plenty of time for the Master Gardener meeting. This was our new President, Dave's first meeting. He is well organized and I was happy to see members step up and take on project leadership roles. Good meeting and a good year planned.
Tuesday- The Keep Jacksonville Beautiful meeting lasted longer than I thought. An attempt at reorganizing was made. This has been mostly a do nothing committee for a good while. I would like to see a plan made so that we could set activities and evaluate their success or failure. We will see how things go. Started the workout around 10:00. Cardio only and it went well. Bumped up the time, speed and incline on the treadmill a bit.
Wednesday- Today is cardio and strength training. I like the days when I work on both areas best. It makes for a better workout but a bit harder. Very cold morning, low 20's, but I will do it. On days like this my activities would include more coffee, TV, computer and smoking. I would not venture out for nothing but getting the mail and newspaper. Almost look forward to getting to the fitness center. I will more than likely skip the AgriLife meeting.
The Smoking Cessation starts at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow. I think my head is right.
Mid-week and sticking to the plan.


  1. You are doing great. Just build the good habit and break the bad habit!

  2. What a huge difference between a cold Wed in your past and a cold Wed in your new life. I hope the Smoking Cessation class goes well for you tonight. It's all about baby steps and you're doing great, Dad! I love you.

  3. Pushed hard in the Cardio and Strength training today. I little sore.

    Tonight the Smoking meeting. I MAY have talked a friend into coming with me. 24 degrees this morning.
