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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Take a left at the end of drive

My Master Gardener activities have heated up so time on workouts has suffered.
Monday plantings at HOPE, Wednesday presentation, Friday workday and Saturday Plant Sale has me booked for the week. Enjoy these activities but also miss my time at the gym.
I have made my workouts and classes but did skip the cardio walk on Tuesday. For some time now I have increased my speed each day that I go down the drive for mail or the newspaper. It is now progressed to my top speed down and back. This is really a huge change from only a few months ago. Well, one day I decided to turn left out of the drive instead of back to the house. This is a steep hill for a fairly long distance. I did make it to my spot and back keeping up a decent pace. This is tough and seems much different than treadmill jogs. Much work is needed here but it did act as a good alternative to a mile on the treadmill. Legs were sore the next day so it must have been good.
I had hoped to do the Body Pump hour class on Wednesday but schedule did not allow. I did the Express and worked it hard. I think I will need to just stick to this routine now and do the other class when things slack up a bit.
Seems hard to get everything worked in right now. Priorities....


  1. That hill is FOR REAL! Good job Dad - they each have their purpose but the real world is much different from the Treadmill!

  2. I knew that the treadmill and the road were different but did not think it would be that much. Of course the REAL HILL is tough, I'm guessing for even good runners. Oh well, I will get there some day. Closer than before...

  3. A lot closer! I remember just at Christmas you were worried about being able to walk up the hill. Now you're running!?! That's AMAZING progress, Dad. I'm so impressed.
    Love you!
