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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Busy days and schedule conflicts

April is a busy time for gardening and particularly Master Gardener activities.

I got to the fitness center early and knocked out my time/distance on the treadmill. One of the gang was next to me so this went well and fast. I am now able to hold the speed and incline for good lengths of time. This is really amazing as to where I started just 4 months ago (4 months to the day Thursday). Hit my strength machines and was able to reach my goals on each machine (2 sets of 15 reps ). By that time it was Express time. Small numbers at class but that sometimes happens on Monday's, Slackers. Good workout but at least Kris did not have us do the "mule kick" again.
Off to Master Gardener's meeting. Good meeting and good news on the sale. The Association made a bit over $1,200, not a record but close to our usual sales. Dave and family were the top sellers. We honored the 8 new interns with a pot luck lunch. Each finished the required class hours and passed the exam and now just need the 50 volunteer hours. Easy to get them with the activities we have going on right now. Trish, Dave's wife had made home made bread that was great.
After the luncheon, another member and I went to a nursery and got the veggie plants to plant at HOPE and the Demo garden. Every year this nursery gives us many flats of plants.
This morning I have Keep Jacksonville Beautiful meeting. I hope to get to the center for cardio after the meeting. I am finding that the Tuesday and Thursday workouts are getting harder to work into the schedule. I may have to drop back to the 3 days a week plan or give up other things. Priorities, I know but I do enjoy the gardening guys too.
KJB- today
HOPE veggie garden planting-Wednesday but after class.
HOPE volunteer breakfast-Thursday

From my notes from the meeting it looks like many of the coming weeks are about as busy with things to do and many that I enjoy. Gardening interest has picked up a bit. Sunday afternoon I planted the new raised bed with heirloom tomatoes. Even Fran has some planted in large pots this year. Do we have another Master Gardener in the making ? Not...

1 comment:

  1. Made my KJB meeting, not much nor fun, this may go away soon.
    Did get by the center for a short workout. Nothing hard but got my mile on treadmill.
    Later in the afternoon, I did my "down the drive and turn left" routine. The hill is still there and hard but getting a bit farther every try. I need me a one mile mark.
