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Friday, April 22, 2011

Government Insurance

I guess when the doctors are getting a government check for their service thing happen fast. I contact the eye surgery office Thursday morning to give them the go ahead on the cataracts. Before mid-afternoon I was scheduled for appointments for all preliminary checkups. My general doctor is this morning at 10:15. Look forward to see how he sees me now with the changes. Next Wednesday eye doc for his measurements and such. Anyway, this knocks out 2 of the Body Pump classes. I will go in today and hope to get Express and my routine in.
Demo Garden work day today too. Bet I will be a bit late. My tropicals are coming with the warm temps. Some of the canas have leaf rollers that I need to treat. These are the plants that the kids and Joe helped prune back at Christmas. We also have about 135 first graders coming our Tuesday 4/26 for a tour. Arbor Day deal this afternoon. Lots of activities going on now.
My tomato plants have small tomatoes coming. Fran's have blooms. Watering and the blue water Miracle Grow got them going.
Not much news on the workouts other than hate missing sessions of the Pump. I am ready for them now and hope missing a few does not mean starting over.
Smoking is seldom even a passing thought.


  1. Jodie's corn and peas and tomatos are looking good. The lettuce is looking great.

    Glad to hear about the smoking but stay diligent. It is still easy to slide back!

  2. Got my workout and the Express yesterday.
    Heidi worked us again.
    From the checkup, it said I am up 8 pounds.

    I am watching out for slip up signs, do not see that as an option ever but we all know never is a long time.

    Good on the gardening. So hot, already 90's and so dry, it is tough here.

  3. Did you schedule a date for the surgery?
