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Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday routine

Friday routine was my cardio and strength, the Express and the Body Pump. This amounts to a little over 2 hours of work outs. My mile on the treadmill is now just a warm up and the strength training is not nearly as hard as it was just a short time ago. Express was hard but not a killer. The Pump is still hard, my legs just can not take much of the lunges and squats. Proud to make it through this hour and many of the exercises are getting better. Seems like upper body is stronger than these bird legs. Oh well, thing will improve. I am trying to get as many of these in as I can because class days seem to have conflicts pretty often.
Tomorrow, Saturday, we have a Master Gardener Symposium with three guest speakers. There will be MGers from several of the surrounding counties. Only a half day but should be fun. I got some more of the fuchia hanging baskets to use as door prizes. Sunday there is a Kids Fest that we will have a booth. We will be showing kids plants to avoid. Texas Forest Service gave us stickers of Smokey Bear and other little hand outs. I will not do much with this but will check on them. Good not to be President and have to do all things.
The "Maters" are doing well, hope to have some ready soon. Love those fresh East Texas veggies.


  1. Those lunges and squats are the real deal. Tough exercises.

  2. I am not putting much weight on my bar but these just kick my tail. Since these are the larger muscles of the body, I guess it takes much longer to get them in shape.
