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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stepping down after a busy time

After many Master Gardener Plant Sales, yesterday I had to step down as King and pass the crown to Dave and his family.
Friday started with 8:00 at the fitness center and me doing my usual cardio and strength exercises. I got the mile and a quarter or so and both turns on the strength machines. Then to Express class with the crew. Kris had a new exercise for us called "mule kick". I was not too good at this but still felt like I had been kicked after wards. I had really wanted to move to the Body Pump class but right now the activities just will not allow it.
After class I headed to the Forest Service for a work day. We wanted to spiff up things for the Plant Sale. I finished up and headed home as Ann and Cheryl were to be there by noon. Lunch and then the three of us headed out again. It took two truck loads of plants to get all of my things out to the sale. We also went by a friends Greenhouse. I got a load of Fuchia plants, beautiful hanging baskets I could buy for $4 and easily sell for $10. Of course Ann and Cherly had to have one. I guess I did end up with a good bit of plants to sell after all, just not like Dave and his family.
Saturday went well and we had good crowd of folks out for the sale. Not sure on the total but I think we did well. Oh, the fuchia baskets were gone by about 10:00 a.m. I saw lots of friends that commented on how different I looked. A good reward and chance to tell even more people about not smoking and exercising. This was a long day beginning at 7:00 for me and ending at 4:30 or so. Also a good exercise day as I helped many with the set-up and take-down of their plants. Walking about 25 yards with 4 gallon plants in each hand, many, many times tested my functional strength. It was not nearly as hard as past years, however, my body is sore this morning. Monday will be our Master Gardener meeting and I will find out the results of our efforts.
So here is the crown to Dave and family for this year. Watch out I could be back this fall. It is tough going up against those cute children who are able to tell folks all about each plant.


  1. Functional strength is the name of the game. That is why we do all of this (and the mental part ... ) Carring those buckets, that is called a 'farmers walk' - it will make you strong like ox.

    I think if you weigh the plant sale plus the positive lifestyle change - well, you blew Dave and everyone else out of the water. Look at the bigger picture.

    Love you - proud of you -

  2. The Plant Sale King is mainly a joke with me and the 2 oldest children of Dave's.

    OH Yes, 50 years of smoking is way ahead of most folks. I do see that "farmer's walk" will work you over pretty good. I have a few different muscles sore today.

  3. How many weeks have you been exercising? And people can already SEE a difference. Isn't that great?!
    We're proud of you and looking forward to seeing you in about 13 weeks.
