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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Two eyes better than one

I had the left eye done yesterday and already can see better. The color and brightness of things is so amazing. I will go for the follow up this morning but do not think anything but great news. With 2 drops 3 times a day in the right eye and 3 drops either 3 or 4 times a day in the left, needed a system to keep things straight. I may go down to only 4 meds today which will make things a bit easier to keep up with.
Got this down now with boxes marked L X 3 or R X 4. Over soon and little price for great vision now.
Exercise is limited to just walking for a week or so again. I did get a good workout on Sunday knowing it would be a while before the next one. I hate to think of how sore I will be after a full Body Pump class. I better at least do the turn left at the drive way every day.
While in Oklahoma we got a heavy much needed rain, nearly 2 ". The tomatoes are doing great and some will be picking size soon. May even have some good ones to enter the Tomato Fest in June.
Fran is still Smoke Free and this makes 17 days. So proud of her. She is determined to make it too.


  1. Check that on the days of smoke free, 24 not 17.
    I was not sure of the day she stopped.

    Doctor appointment went well all looks good. Limited exercise for a week.

  2. Yay, Fran!!
    Also, now you will be able to see Katherine, Daniel, and Isabelle clearly when we visit. Just five more weeks to go!
