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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday was a good day at workouts. The Express class has just become my additional routine three days a week. Like it and the others in the sessions.
My look around the greenhouse did not look so good. Most plants have dropped the leaves and I will know later if they can be saved. Not much hope.

Today several meetings prevented me from getting to the fitness center. Missed that but hope that some good Master Gardener activities were worked out with other groups. Maybe it was worth my time and missed training.

Tomorrow the weather man comes again. Rain, sleet and snow mix will start around midnight with freezing temps until Friday afternoon. May not be as much snow but the icy roads are a problem around these parts. I hope to get to the center tomorrow, will know more by morning and keep you posted.

Another smoke free day. Hope the class is not canceled on Thursday afternoon and the roads are clear for travel.


  1. Missed workouts are okay. As long as they are the exception!

    I think you have the physical part of the smoking kicked! The mental aspect will take a bit longer but every single day is a feather in your cap!

    You are doing great!

  2. The rain started around 4:00 this morning. Temps were around 40 but dropping as the day goes on. Very cold until Friday afternoon. Freezing rain, sleet and snow by noon or so. I will head out and try to be home before the roads get bad.
    Hate to miss on the cardio, strength and Express days.
    Tomorrow will be 3 weeks of smoke free. Hope the class is not canceled.
