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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another week slips by...

It seems like forever since I did my scheduled routine of weekly workouts. Either I was out of town or visitors were here but worth it any way. Monday will also have a conflict since it is our monthly Master Gardener meeting. With James and Francie and the kids here last week, I was able to have a little time at the gym with both of them. James witnessed the Pump on Wednesday and also got quizzed by several of my workout partners. Francie was able to to the water exercises. I enjoyed showing off my kids to friends. However I did not do my complete workout for over a week so I am sure that pay day will come when I do resume the M-W-F pace. Heidi will be calling my name.
Friday was good bye day and I never do this very well.
Saturday night was the HOPE celebrity dinner. I had the Master Gardener table of 8 folks. I decorated it with veggies to honor the MG/HOPE Gardens. This is the 20th year of HOPE. I had fun and clowned a bit. Also earned $150 in tips. All in all I think it was a pretty successful fundraiser. Money needs to start coming in to HOPE as I hear the shuffling of cold feet on Fran's retirement.

In the garden department, lost of things are burning up however the Demo Garden still looks good and producing veggie. Drip irrigation works. In exercise, I need to get back on schedule. Still smoke free and I am sure the visitors noticed and appreciated the fresh air smell.


  1. Hit the machines and got my mile on the treadmill today. Hope that makes for an easier Monday even if I will only have time for the wall.

  2. I enjoyed the visit. Remember, you are always welcome at the house in MS.
