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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Running with the big dogs

I have been working towards putting the largest plate of weight on my bar for a good while. Today I was able to do it, not for all muscle group sessions but for several. I was there with Frank. Also noticed that on some of the one minute drills, I may have been setting the pace. I know I can with the push ups and planks.
Now to get the lunges down.
Still too hot to be out side for any time at all. Temp was 106 today, that's every day since the end of May with the temp over 100. Also still no rain so you can just watch things die from day to day. Very sad and nothing you can do. One friend is trying and his water bill is near $400 month and still sad looking plants.
I think it is really working on folks mentally nos.


  1. It will be fall soon. I can't believe spring is here in Sydney. So fall must be not too many more weeks away for you guys.
