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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Functional strength

Thursday and Friday were long days in preparation for the opening day of the Scarecrow Trail. Saturday too was an all day event.
It did surprise me as to how many of the chores were so much easier this year. Using the T post driver to pound post into the hard red clay was not nearly as hard. Walking what seemed like a million miles around to Trail was also not so bad.
Friday I did get the full workout drill in at the center. Last day for this Body Pump session and Heidi was out. Monday starts anew.
Enjoyed the cooler temps and the Master Gardener event. Fewer scarecrows this year but they seemed to be better quality. I think the classes at school did a class project rather than several of the students making their own. Hope we have lots of visitors again next Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. It looked like a lot of scarecrows and events from the photos. So neat.
