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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Catch up time

With the doctor appointments for Fran, lots of things get put on hold.
The temps shot back up and the wildfires continue. Seems like all of east Texas is burning. Many evacuations and even school closings due to the fires. The heat, drought and now winds have us in a major fire warning situation. Last night for a very short time it rained, not much but it did rain. This is the first in so long I can not even remember.
Workouts have been a bit hit and miss. Last Friday 9/9, we did not have Body Pump but another coach did some cardio and yoga. Not nearly as hard as the pump but using different muscles did have me sore. Missed the workouts on Monday as we were in Tyler for Fran's testing at the hospital. This lasted all day. Made my classes yesterday, both of them. Kris has raised the bar in the Express class. This is almost enough of a workout by itself. Heidi was back after some training on the new Body Pump exercises. This will begin soon. The present one is still a challenge for me. Really hard if you miss a session or two.
Trying to hang in there.
Plant sale coming up in 2 weeks. I have nothing but a few dogwood trees and they even look bad. So much for my sales this year.
My friend Rodney is staying with his exercise routine. Good to see him and see his progress.

1 comment:

  1. You'll get through this, Dad. Keep exercising and running to the mailbox.
